Joining Hands volunteer receives top award

Carmel Pine Cone: Main News

JETT NAMED CITIZEN OF THE YEAR (p10A & p24A) written by Mary Schley

A LONGTIME resident who’s given years of her life to numerous nonprofits and social causes, including serving on the community activities commission and the historic resources board, Donna Jett will be named the Carmel Residents Association’s Citizen of the Year during a celebration slated for March 26.

Fittingly, the event will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Carmel Woman’s Club on San Carlos Street across from Sunset Center. Jett has been a member of the woman’s club since 2000 and is president of its board of directors. A well-seasoned event planner, she will be organizing its 2025 Centennial Celebration, too.

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Endowment Fund Launched


Outstanding Philanthropic Service Organization Award